Moira A.

once lost, forever found. future CM.

Read this first

The Pursuit of Excellence

Excellence is defined as “The state, quality, or condition of excelling; superiority.” The word excel is defined as “to do or be better than; surpass; to show superiority, surpass others.” - American Heritage Dictionary

Although competition and being superior are very prominent in the definitions above, this is not how we should look at the word ‘excellent’ from a biblical standpoint.

Biblically speaking, the pursuit of excellence refers to pursuing and doing the best we can with the gifts and abilities God gives, giving our best to the glory of God. But ideally, it is done without the spirit of competition or seeking to excel simply to be better than others. Excellence includes doing common, everyday things, but in very uncommon ways regardless of whether people are watching. The reality is that God sees our work and rewards us accordingly (cf. 1 Cor. 15:58).

“Success means being the...

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True Love’s Sparks

International Film Expo Day.

I felt a spark in my heart today. No, it’s not the ‘kilig’ kind, neither is it the film kind. It’s an old, familiar spark that has been forced inside a tiny box these past few months. It’s a spark that no box can contain for too long. A spark that will undoubtedly turn into the biggest, brightest flame… bound to set the world on fire.

Forget true love’s kiss. This is true Love’s spark.

I spent a moment at the expo and few more just talking with a friend, a mentor. We talked about a lot of things but what remains now are these few simple words… “It’s a passion.”

I already know this, but a reminder was just what I needed. It’s easy. It’s easy to surrender your life to Christ. It’s easy to fall on your knees in humility before a great God and ask for forgiveness. The true test is this: staying. It takes passion to stay with God, to continue your walk. It...

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Dear Pops,

Hi. I know it’s been a while. And, more than anything, I want to say that though You never left, I miss You terribly. I miss talking to You late at night. I miss waking up in the morning excited for what You have in store.

Right now, all I have is fear. About everything. I’m afraid. I’m anxious all the time. Needless to say, I hate it here. I hate being in this position.

I know You can do it if You wanted to… please re-ignite the fire in my heart. Make me so desperate for You. Make me feel that I need You more than I need the air I breathe (only because its true).

I wanna be able to sing ‘THIS GIRL IS ON FAYAAAAAH’ again and know that between You and me, it has a whole different meaning. I want to tell people about how great You are with that conviction I had before.

This is a really unorganized bit of whatever but You know me. You know what’s in my heart. And I trust...

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Rescued Vs. Redeemed

I have recently been listening to JJ Heller’s album, Loved. It’s a wonderful album, I highly encourage you to take time to listen to it. JJ Heller has a super sweet, soft voice and her lyrics are just awesome!

In one of the songs, there were lyrics that said “I don’t want to be rescued, oh I want to be redeemed.”

I have been walking with God for around 2 years now. And when you’re new to the whole Christianity scene, you’ll meet these two words everyday. A lot of my mentors talk me through these things, the pastors always talk of how we are rescued by God. And, somewhere along the line, these two words just merged together. So when I heard the song lyrics, I started wondering about the difference of being rescued and being redeemed… or if JJ Heller was just being redundant or something.

I looked ‘rescue’ up on the dictionary and this is what I found:
rescue: v, to save from a...

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Strange Love

I can’t hide anything from you. You see through every wall, every facade that I put up. You know what every smile and what every tear means. You can hear the truth through my lies… you know how much of a wretch I am. But still, you chose to love me.

Of the 7 billion people who are living, breathing in this world, I am pretty much sure that a lot of other people are better than me, nicer than me. How come it was me that you chose to love? I admit that I am, without a shadow of a doubt, undeserving of this great love that you decided to lavish on me.

And what did I do with that love? I chose to throw it away. I wasn’t able to recognize how great a privilege it was to be loved by someone like you. You gave me your heart and I took it and destroyed it right before your very eyes. And then walked away, not even looking back. I walked away and left you there.

What kind of man are you? You...

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Unworthy But Not Worthless

Pigs are, in a lot of ways, very similar to humans. Aside from the fact that they are very genetically similar, both love to gorge and binge eat. We also share a love for rolling around in the mud, sometimes even our very own dirt. We like to look at the world, knowing that nothing good ever comes from it, and say “hey, that looks like fun!” And most of the time, against all logic and reason, actually go for it.
Pigs love mud. Maybe almost as much as we humans love sin. Maybe in your head you’re thinking “psh, nooooo.” But in reality, our nature is to sin

“All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to God’s anger, just like everyone else.” Ephesians 2:3 (NLT)

“And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They’ve...

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A Deep Regard

Maybe it’s foolish - no, wait - it is, indeed, very foolish of me. Everyday I would try to find an excuse, try to convince myself that you’re not the reason why I come back every. single. day. Do I even dare fall into the cliché that is the lovesick teenage girl?

Can I just start with ‘I have a deep regard for you’? There really is no other way I could think to say it.

Do you even remember how we first became friends? It was the most random way to meet anyone ever. We met through a mutual friend. We started talking and didn’t stop until the sun finally set, until the shop had to close, and until we had to go home.

I especially enjoy asking you questions because, although the answer usually ends up being Deuteronomy 29:29, you really think about it. You don’t give me a simple ‘no’, ‘yes’, or ‘irdk’ but you actually dive in to the recesses of your mind just to come up with more than an...

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“It’s a slow fade…”

One of the best things about life is the many ironies that come with it. I’m sure that you have experienced your fair share of this and know exactly what I am talking about.

I can hear Casting Crowns singing this song in my head. ‘It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray… People never crumble in a day, it’s a slow fade…’ I remember the first time I heard this song. It was a regular day, all was well with the world and I was on my way to school. Earphones in; world tuned out.

The lyrics really got to me. They carried a sad message. My eyes welled up with tears as I remembered all of my used-to-be Christian friends. I can’t help but remember all the great things they were able to do before, along with all the things they are doing now. It’s like they go out of their way just to purposely ruin their own lives. I remember thinking to myself ‘It’s so great to be saved, to...

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A “proper” blog.


It’s a pretty big undertaking, this ‘proper’ blog. I have an issue with continuing things that I have started so let’s see how long this is going to last.

I guess it would be pretty lame of you to follow my day-to-day on here (you loser!). I mean, I guess you wouldn’t do that if you had a life of your own. But you’re always welcome to stay and see how bad I am at being a human being.

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